Friends of the Meeting House Support for Preservation Projects

From 2005 to the present, the Friends have contributed approximately $160,000 to preservation projects.

2022: Contracted with preservation architect to undertake preliminary work to restore Landmark entrance. ($4,700)

2020: Replaced broken concrete walkway leading back to prow to help disabled and elderly folks navigate down the hill – (funded entire project - $2,800)

2018: Contribution to Roof Replacement - Auditorium – ($50,000)

2017: Rematted and reframed  Wright’s gift of 15 Hiroshige Japanese Prints with UV glass to retard further fading - (funded entire project - $2,100)


  • Replaced curtains in Landmark Auditorium (funded entire project - $5,300)

  • Improved Landmark entrance: railings, ramp, and concrete (funded entire project - $2,795)


  • Loggia roof - Temporary membrane patch installed over additional portion of Loggia. ($9,800)

  • Repair of internal water damage in Loggia staff offices (funded entire project - $3,000)

2012: Loggia roof repair: Design engineering work and temporary membrane patches installed over major sections - ($10,000)  

2011: Rehabilitated men’s and women’s lobby restrooms including upgrading bathroom fixtures and stalls, painting, replacing and securing pipes in restrooms and in archive space, repairing cement floor, replacing and upgrading electrical and asbestos abatement as necessary - (funded entire project - $28,655)


  • Upgraded lighting for Auditorium and Hearth Room, including replacing and rewiring cans; installing sealed boxes over cans; installing compact fluorescent bulbs; fabricating and installing new rings; (funded entire project - $30,000).

  • Financed the paint type, texture and color analysis so building could be returned to original colors – (funded entire project - $2,000).

2005: Historic Structures Report - Recommended preservation actions – contributed ($6,000)